TO DO @Ta-Da Space. 2019

Now what do you reckon it was in them mountains that we set out for? And how did he come to know of it? How to find it? How to put it to use?

Excerpt from Blood Meridian. Or the Evening Redness in the West by Cormac McCarthy (1985)

With TO-DO @Ta Da Trine Bork presents ten new digital drawings done on her mobile phone, each freely interpreting an entry on The Top-10 list of best TO-DO apps 2020 as reviewed by blogger Lindsay Kolowich. The digital drawings initially came about during nightly, solitary moments if several days had passed without making art, mainly due to having spent it doing other jobs to make ends meet, complying with Bork’s own expectations of being a good provider. The availability and immediacy of drawing something digitally right there on the phone served as a convenient tool (endless colour schemes, brush stroke variations and so on) to satisfy the ongoing need to create and follow artistic ambitions; keep the work going despite other obligations preventing studio work time.

Artists are far from the only ones working several jobs to make their way in the world, and the feeling of there not being enough hours in the day to perform all roles adequately is surely a common one. How then do we make the most of our time? Bork found that several TO-DO apps promise to do just that: make the most of everything. Kolowich’s Top-10 list of best TO-DO apps 2020, will guide you in terms of price, overall aesthetics, efficiency and the app’s user-friendliness, puzzlingly sharing similarities with the standards that art and artists are often valued by. Time is negotiable and expandable; it is merely a matter of listing what needs to be done, preferably using the best app on the market. Where there is no outlet, images keep cropping up regardless, and Bork’s digital drawings can be viewed as mental landscapes of a very restless and impatient mindset. An escapist’s list of what to do (or rather what is not being done), both shamefully and playfully subverting the idea of duties.


ANNURCA / Space is the Machine